
Daily Garden: Brigit’s Celtic Garden, Ireland

February 10, 2010

brigits garden galway ireland meadow standing stones cairns monument

I am finding so many inspirational ideas in Brigit’s Celtic Garden in Galway Ireland.   I am not sure if there is a reason for the blackness of the wooden sculptures but I find them so interesting (if you click through to the gardens website — you will see a garden throne made of this back driftwood).  Painted Black driftwood certainly adds interest to a natural element.  Don’t you think?

brigits garden galway ireland meadow standing stones cairns monument

This island in the pond is another interesting idea.  The simple shape and half moon shelter nicely compliment each other.

brigits garden galway ireland meadow standing stones cairns monument

These mounded earth things are intriguing to me too.  Again I am contemplating their purpose, simply interesting or for other use?   If you know something of Celtic garden lore, please do share your insights.

What are you loving about this garden?  Are their any ideas that you will try to implement in your own garden?

Images by Kymberly Janisch, mimivkTyra Mitchell, Máire Uí Mhaicín and from Garden Visit.

  1. Jacqui says:

    Earth mounds are a big part of Celtic archaeology. There are so many hits if you just google it, but Newgrange is probably the most famous.

  2. tamzen lundy says:

    The black driftwood, is bog oak- its oak found in the Irish bogs, buried through centuries and therefore preserved in this peaty landscape. Sculptors use these found pieces in their work. I’ve just been commissioned to design a small landscape design for a bog oak sculptor’s personal garden and happened upon your review of “Brigits Garden” by Mary reynolds, during my research phase.
    Love your blog.

  3. Debra says:

    I love the half moon shelter featured in the island in the pond pic. Would love to buy this to enable my little boy to go out in the garden. He has a very rare medical condition that means he needs sheltering from too much light. If anyone knows where I could buy one of these please could you comment to let me know. Many thanks.

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