
Daily Garden #2 : My Shed Garden

June 25, 2010

I know we already had one Daily Garden today….but I just don’t want to put this off until monday….now that I have these images uploaded from my camera I am giddy to share them with you.

rochelle greayer studio 'g' garden studio g digitalis foxglove daylilies orange door

I got a Macro Lens for my birthday and I have been doing a little playing around with it.  My Foxgloves are just about to go off now, but I snapped these pictures about a week ago.  This little corner of my own garden is about the only area I am mostly happy with at the moment.  I look around and all I can see is projects.  When I get overwhelmed (constantly) I cast my eyes back to this, take a deep breath, put my head down and keep chugging away in other areas.  Eventually it will all be this beautiful and I can look in any direction I want from my garden chair (which desperately needs to be repainted) and feel the smug satisfaction of “yeah, I created that”.

rochelle greayer studio 'g' garden studio g digitalis foxglove daylilies orange door

rochelle greayer studio 'g' garden studio g digitalis foxglove daylilies orange door

oh — and the foxgloves (which really are show stopping) — 6′ tall, from seed, scattered haphazardly, 3 years ago, by my then 4 year old.

  1. ModFruGal says:

    Gorgeous! All I see is projects too…you are not alone there!

  2. Rose Silver says:

    The garden is great! The foxgloves are very tall indeed. you can try the white one with a pinkish highlight variety of that. Nice photos!

  3. Crystal Rose says:

    I loved the way you had taken the pictures. Its awesome, seems like a professional photographer had done it. The foxgloves are amazing too, perfect for a postcard.

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