
Artist: Valentina Ramos

January 14, 2011

I often wonder if other landscape and garden focussed people have the same experience that I do when I enter an art gallery.

valentina ramos

I play a little game with my family when we travel.  It goes like this, we wander around fun cities, and wherever possible we duck into art galleries.  We treat them like museums, and we each wander about looking at each painting or art piece to choose our favorite.  Then we reconvene and share with each other what that piece is.  I love that my husband and I frequently share favorites and that our children each have their own unique aesthetic that I can discover through this little game.  But through doing this so many times, I notice my own patterns.  I choose landscapes way more than anything else, second I choose images with flowers and garden themes  and occasionally (as in almost never), I choose something else.   Do other garden people have this same sensibility?  I wonder?

valentina ramos

So it is not surprising to me that I love the work of Valentina Ramos.  She is of course garden and nature inspired but I love to the vintage retro look crossed with the  rich textural feeling of something more exotic.  I love that she takes inspiration from the garden, because I certainly take inspiration from her creations.

valentina ramos bird prints

  1. Those are great images – I have not come acreoss her work before but it’s very beautiful – in art galleries I have usually done my research first – so I know which pictures I am especially looking forward to – sometimes we get little surprises – i was not familiar with this Breuhel until I saw it in the Fine Art Museum in Brussels – – and the weirdest thing that day was that my research (which had been heavily Breugel and Mattisse orientated) had not thrown up the presence of one of the most famous pictures in the world – so walking round a corner and finding David’s death of Marat waa real shock.

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