
A Woven Rebar Garden Compost Shed by Groves Raines Architects

February 9, 2011

rebar garden composting shed

I often think some of the best design comes not when we are trying to think of something new and exciting, but rather when the ordinary and mundane is re-imagined in a new light.  Certainly that is the case with this beautiful composting shed.

rebar garden composting shed

Groves Raines Architects used rebar, woven together in same fashion you might weave willow or hazel, to make a sinuous gardens structure that rises up from the garden path.  It wraps around a boulder and walls off (in graceful style) the compost pile.  The beauty of this simple and industrial material is remarkable and I am eager to ask my metal working friend about how difficult and expensive this kind of feature would be.

rebar garden composting shed

rebar garden composting shed

images by Dan Farrar

  1. S@sha says:

    I’ve actually thought of doing that before, but pricing long rebar at Home Depot/Lowe’s made it seem prohibitively expensive. Each rebar cost several dollars. I’m sure you can buy it at cost if you need a ton, which would help. You can bend it pretty easily, and the tool to do so isn’t very expensive. It’s lovely, especially with the rusty patina.

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