
Garden Gallery: Israeli Golf & Leaves Garden

February 23, 2011

golf and leaves garden in israel

My son is starting to become interested in all sorts of sports (that Wii from grandma at Christmas has opened up a whole new world).   He recently asked if we could build a golf area in our garden and I am actually considering it.  Maybe.  So I am intrigued to see a garden such as this, which I think successfully incorporates golf into the landscape without looking too much like a corporate place and while also maintaining a natural and inviting feeling.

golf and leaves garden in israel

This garden is in Israel and comprises 5 acres and an orchard.  The undulations of the landscape provide interest and surprising to me, the plants are remarkably similar looking to some of the things I would see here in New England (except for the many olive trees).   I imagine this to have stunning fall color given its many colored leaves at the time of year that these photos were taken.

golf and leaves garden in israel

I am also fascinated with the various grasses on the golf area.  I wonder if they are all actual living grasses or if some is an astro turf?  The detail on the decking is also pretty great.  I love blending the edges of man-made materials (like decking) with natural edges of stones.  It seems to give the design a more thoughtful blended feel.

What inspiration are you borrowing from this garden?

all images from bvd

  1. Can you tell us more about this golf garden?
    Who designed it?
    Where is it located?
    Is it a private garden or open to the public?

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