
Truitt Foug’s Modern Garden Playhouse

February 22, 2011

garden playhouse modern by truitt foug architects

When I saw this garden playhouse, my excitement level jumped way high — primarily because the construction appears to be very straightforward and simple, but the style and interest of the building is extraordinary.  I love the ‘V’!  As I study it further, I am wondering if the interior levels might be adjustable (sliding across the gap) or if they are fixed?  It is possible, I think with a building like this that if they are not adjustable, 2 x 4 boards of others could be substituted for the 4×4’s to make it so that the floors can slide back and forth across the building, which would be really fun for kids.   The other up-side, as a parent, I can see the functional beauty here, as the slatted sides have visibility, there is no question about ‘who hit who’ first, and the cute moments of imaginative play will also not be missed.

garden playhouse modern by truitt foug architects

Design by Truitt Foug Architects.

  1. Michele Pappas says:

    I love that!

  2. Laguna Dirt says:

    way cool! so sturdy and kids can climb all over it, and use their own imagination with it since it’s so simple in design and concept! m

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