
Fresh Ideas for Florals

fresh ideas for florals from

As I sit here waiting for my web hosting provider to figure out what is going on with my site (I am inexplicably unable to upload new media of any sort) I just realized that I had at least one or two posts where I had already uploaded images and I am hoping it will work to publish!!  It’s all about making Lemonade….

Cruising foreign blogs I often wonder if I am seeing the trends that will soon shift across the ocean.  These arrangements are from the swedish blog Expressen and were taken at a recent show.  I am finding them to have a very different look from what I see in shops near me.  These are much more organic and natural.  Many of the arrangement place the stems into the containers in way that makes them appear much more like they might in the garden.  The container is almost non existent and the flowers are nice and upright like they might be outside.  Also, many of the containers are used in way that makes the stems look more like they are planted within the container, rather being contained by the container.  The branches aren’t touching the sides of the pot or vase and instead the seem to stand upright on their own.   It all makes me think that a new trend in floristry might be to emulate garden plantings even more literally.


I am also noticing a vintage vibe.  Daisies, carnations, and baby’s breath are hardly trendy flowers, but in this arrangement they take on a old fashioned coolness that I think works well for the popular homemade throwback look.

fresh ideas for florals via

images: swedish blog Expressen

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