
Garden Destinations: The Dillon Garden, Ireland

April 25, 2011

If the ‘hits and tips’ section of the visitors website is any indication of the cheekiness of the garden itself, then Helen Dillon’s description of which dog breed is the perfect ‘garden dog’ is a fitting hint at the smartness of the Dillon garden’s design.

dillon garden ireland

Helen is a prolific garden writer in Ireland and her style is straightforward, unfussy and (to me) entertaining.  Her garden, conversely, is abundant, gushing and (not conversely) beautiful.   — and BTW — she, for various reasons, deduces that male dachshunds are the best garden dog.

These and many more images here….

  1. Private says:

    That’s a beautiful pool and garden. You know, I always presume there’s no way to fit this into a suburban quarter acre lot, but if it ran from the mailbox to the front door, maybe. Swimming pools have to have fences, but a reflecting pool might be shallow enough to do without. Mosquito treatment would be essential. And a plan for winter. But it is gorgeous.

  2. Kaveh says:

    I went to Dublin a few years ago just so I could visit this garden. The garden was great but the best part was meeting and chatting with Mrs. Dillon.

  3. Beautiful Garden – Thats now on my wish list of Gardens to visit. Thank you

  4. Gorgeous garden here!

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