
Vintage Tea Towel Cushions

October 4, 2011

Have you been to Brimfield?  It is a HUGE antiques fair in Massachusetts that happens three times per year.   I find the place utterly overwhelming and without a plan of attack, a day there exhausts and puts me into a state of utter mental overload.   I attended the most recent fair with a plan for Leaf Magazine.  We have a story in our upcoming first issue about trends that we saw there.   So with a mission in mind I was ok for most of the day to stay focussed andpurposeful.

But that meant that personal shopping was out of the question.   I think it is an extraordinary mind that can go to a place like Brimfield and actually be creative and imaginative in the face such excess and stimulation.  Personally, I need a list (a tool with which to focus) – which I am starting now for the spring visit.  It will include vintage linen tea towels — because I just plain love them, but also because I think that a cushion collection such as these:

vintage tea towel pillows

are the perfect kind of pillows for my garden chairs, or the chairs of a porch… or really lots of places.

(these were  found via Steph Bond at Bondville and were created by Morgan Wills — there are still a couple left for sale at her site)

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