
Happy Sunday, Golden Globes, & and the Philly Flower Show

January 15, 2012

I had to pop in just to share this with you…..

I can’t wait to sit down tonight — (my whole body is a little hurty from my first day out on my board yesterday, but no rest for the weary as I have a 6 year old b-day party to host tomorrow afternoon!)– and watch Ricky Gervais on the Golden Globes….But perhaps even funnier, SNL (as in Saturday Night Live), in spoofing the whole Golden Globes thing even spoofed the Philadelphia Flower Show!!

I am attending this year for the first time ….and I am very nervous that like so many other ‘flower shows’, it will not live up to the hype that so many of my colleagues have purported, but I am hopeful — I mean it must be good if SNL is spoofing it, right?

jason sudeikis as ricky gervais Philadelphia Flower show

  1. Kaveh says:

    The thing about the Philadelphia Flower Show is the display gardens are all inside and at least at the shows that I have been to in the past they have been sort of conventional. Like the sort of things that typical northeast landscapers would design. So I was never very impressed by them.

    However the individual show plants are always fun if you are into that sort of thing. You can see some wonderful succulents and rare bulbs and other neat things. And I have seen some really good speakers at the show. It isn’t Chelsea or Hampton Court but on a cold day in January it isn’t a bad way to spend the day.

    • rochelle says:

      Kaveh– it sounds like you have been to chelsea and HC?….am I going to be disappointed if I hold it to that standard? (because that is what I do….I can’t understand why the US can’t also have such fantastic horticultural events!)

  2. I say the spoof on last night and I thought it was hilarious. It cracked me up, but it really did get me excited to see a horticultural event on SNL 🙂

    I am a rookie gardener, but love love love love any kind of gardening related inspirations and things to learn. Can’t wait to see your photos and ‘report’ from the flower show!

    P.S. Hello from fellow BYW-er and a big fan of LeafMag!

  3. Kaveh says:

    Yes you will be very disappointed if you hold it to that standard. But like I said there is still fun to be had.

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