
New Puppy: Welcome Earvin Zippance (Zippy) Greayer

March 14, 2012

Hi – just popping into let you know that I have a new arrival.   As with all new babies, families need time to adjust so I will be out the rest of today and back tomorrow (hopefully I will have gotten some sleep in the interim).   But until then, say hi to the newest member of our family.

Earvin Zippance Greayer - English Bull Terrier puppy

(BTW, those two bloody spots — they are a ‘welcome home, I’m so glad you are here’ love-pat from our cat)

His name is Earvin Zippance Greayer — I think we are going to call him Zippy.

I know the gallery is still probaby not working (unless it corrected itself as magically as it got messed up) but bear with me — I think you can still appreciate the cuteness.

til tomorrow ~ R


  1. Jenn says:

    Apparently the gallery can spontaneously fix itself.

    Zippy is very cute.

    “I has a leaf” he says…

  2. You didn’t say what breed Zippy is, and I would love to know. He, like everything else young, is absolutely adorable. He looks solid as a rock and like he might get big. We love dogs around here…DOGS RULE !!!

  3. janet says:

    congratulations! He is quite the cutie and will probably provide you with lots of tales and kodak moments for the blog. I look forward to watching your family find the magic in living with a dog.

  4. ksb says:

    Ah, what I always think of as a “Bill Sykes” dog. Those paws are big!

  5. Kate says:

    Naaaawwwww! Welcome Zippy! I just got two little chickens and, while much less willing to cuddle me, I’m just as besotted! Can’t wait to see more and more photos and lovely puppy stories!

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