
The Lawn Chronicles

April 30, 2012

no mow lawn

We’ve discussed the the lawn replacement (I still have no resolution on that) and now I think we need to discuss the mower.

We got a new one after the old craigslist ride-on decided to not turn on this spring (along with 4 flat tires, I’m done fixing it)
Getting a new ride-on mower is a little like getting a new car — except that the first drive immediately dismisses any sense that the thing is new… goodbye ‘new mower smell’….you are now covered in dust and grass clipping forever more.

The new mower has presented a few problems….first…it is wider and now does not fit down the cobble path that allows access to the back garden. I tried and now I am going to be constantly reminded of the disaster – the ‘just out of the ground’ (and not yet unfurled) hosta leaves are going to be misshapen all season since I cut the tips off. (Damn!)  (I’m hoping that maybe, since the cut was so clean, I might be able to salvage some use for them….like in these floral arrangements? fingers crossed)

hosta leaf arrangements

But the issue gave me a new idea….to cut a new grassy mower path through the flower bed that I have had a constant issue with. Basically the bed is odd shaped, too deep, and full of junk (ditch lilies, monkshood that rarely blooms, and bee balm that has gone wild) — and it is underneath the annual snow plow pile….so every spring it a right mess. I’m working on it now…I can’t wait to share before and after pictures with you.

But until then….maybe you might want to enjoy the great article that the picture above came from about ‘No Mow’ grass. (and then you don’t need to worry about mowing!)

Also — I am using my trusty old hose to lay out the path of the path….do you use hoses like this? I do all the time…hoses are great for drawing temporary and adjustable lines on the ground. But I thought that this article about alternative uses for the garden hose was also handy.

images from for wild and via Hostess Jo


  1. Coleen says:

    This Decorative Non-Rust Cast Aluminum Wall Mounted Garden Hose added a nice look to my garden area

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