
Zip Lines (Trend?)

June 14, 2012

vintage zip lines

Have you noticed that zip lines are kinda popping up every where?  Indy 500, Super Bowl, parks, back yards (I have one), — I think we are  (and are going to) see more and more of them.

Last fall my husband and spent a weekend in NYC with our necks craned, imagining how cool it would be if you could zip from one building to another and up and down the city’s building corridors all while completely avoiding the foot traffic.  Imagine, landing stations built at the 2nd floor of all the buildings.  It seems so futuristic but with a completely old school feel.

And the interesting thing is that there are municipalities that are actually looking to ziplines as real public works projects.  I have been keeping my eye on a potential project called Envision Rumford in Rumford Falls, Maine.   Rumford Falls is an old logging town with alot of natural beauty, but has fallen on tough times.  City officials are working out a plan to install ziplines across town to help businesses and over falls to attract visitors.

Rumford Falls Main considering municipal zip line project

Can you imagine zipping over this scene? I can, as soon as it is built, I will be there.

image from serendipitous romance, and The Bethel Journals

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