
Beyond Gardening: Rewilding

June 3, 2013

I came across this video this morning about Rewilding. Have you heard of this term? It is new to me, but 2:55 min later, I am onboard. Yes, I would like to see the animals of the Serengeti back on the hills and lands of New England (or Europe). And no I am not crazy.

I also enjoyed this follow on piece related to a comment on the video. It is about the rewilding of areas of Africa and the successful re-introduction of elephants. Why can’t this be done everywhere? I know it might sound nuts….but think about it and let’s chat it over.

video from the guardian

  1. Mary Gray says:

    Thanks for sharing that. Have you read Emma Maris’ book The Rambunctious Garden? She writes about initiatives going on around the world, some of which would qualify as “re-wilding”, but the thesis of her book is how human intervention is going to be necessary, at this point, to sustain these new “wild” landscapes.

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