
Friday 5: Pale Green Garden Things That Caught My Eye

July 26, 2013

Its Friday and I am getting an early start as I am headed down to the Newport Folk Festival!  It’s my first time, and its is my little people’s first real concert ever – I’m so excited for them.  I wish the weather were better though — it is rainy and not supposed to get too much above 70.   I fear that sitting on the ocean front in my new perfect folk fest dress might be a little chilly and downright impractical.  Damn.


pale green garden ins[iration from www.pithandvigor.comIf you are a music fan and want to follow along I’ll post some shots from the shows on my instagram.  In the mean time though….a bunch of pale green garden stuff sort of caught my eye this week.  Here is the best of it:

  1. Moondance hanging chair.
  2. French Painted Metal and Wood Garden Bench
  3. Japanese Ceramic Planter
  4. Varnished Metal Bench
  5. Green Metal Garden Markers
  1. Carla Stanley says:

    Wear the dress, it’s adorable. Pair it with some cropped leggings and a little jean jacket or vintage cardigan. And the metal bench is just my style. Love it.

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