
Before & After: A Gorgeous Improvement for the Yard of Boulders


I found this Before & After a while ago and somehow lost track of it, so I was pleasantly surprised when it resurfaced this afternoon. Sally Davidson is a landscape designer based out of New York and has been helping people plan their yards for almost 15 years. I thought this project was a nice shift from the more common flat green lawn that most homeowners have in front of their house.

before, after, makeover, front yard, slope, rocks, landscape

Working with boulders, rocks and trees that were already in place, Sally was sure to include perennials and annuals that would bloom in succession from spring to fall. She also added variety with deer-resistant plants, which goes a long way at a house backed up to the woods. Below is another photo from a slightly different angle:

The plants soften the front yard rock garden. The boulders become less imposing and dominating with this landscape design.

I love the variety of plants she included in this project, they all fit in so seamlessly with those beautiful rocks and boulders! This yard has me wishing for a house in the woods, but for now I’ll be happy with a yard that deer don’t visit too often…I have a hard enough time with all the rabbits! Anyway, if you want to see more of Sally’s work, you can find a few other projects over at her website. -erin

If you have a Before & After project that you’d like to see featured on PITH + VIGOR, send us an email along with a few pictures!

Images from Sally Davidson Landscape Design.

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