
Succulent Cushions

January 18, 2014

succulent cushions

The holidays are over and I’m taking down the remaining christmas decorations this weekend.  The house always feels so bare once the tinsel and twinkle are gone.   I’d really like to have a box of things that I can decorate my home with after the holidays that are just as exciting as the christmas decorations – A ‘January Box’ to follow up the ‘Holiday Box’.   I’d fill it with decorations that embrace the cool clear light, the slowly lengthening days and the anticipation of spring. This Succulent Cushion is my inspiration. (yes…that is actually a pillow….not a giant sempervivum)

I’m still trying to work out which succulents actually do well in the light of an average home here in the north (am I the only one who doesn’t find succulents to be the panacea of ‘easy’ that they are universally trumped up to be?)  This cushion, however, seems to be guaranteed success.

Succulent Cushion available at Dot & Bo.

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