
Weekend Things

March 2, 2014

I am sorry to be getting this up late, but I have been stumbling around trying to sort out all the things that have to be done between this Tuesday and the following Wednesday and so that I can get them done early. I’ve been put on notice that a package will arrive on Tuesday with all the first draft pages of my book, and I have 8 days to write captions, edit everything, and put together the photo credits.  It a whole lot of stuff that has to get done in a very short time.  As Julie, my editor, advised I am freezing meals, plotting out places for the kids to be and generally trying to clear the deck in preparation.  The irony is that my industriousness to get things done ahead of schedule has put me behind on the current things. Such is life right?  Anyway – happy Sunday morning to you… I hope you can enjoy some of these links over a nice hot drink.


p.s. That top picture – me, playing around – pretending I am Cyndi Lauper (al la 1985) – I was actually in a recording studio making the voice over for a book trailer that will be out in a couple of weeks. Just so you know – I seriously don’t sing.



  1. Rodney Eason says:

    Dominique Browning had a great series a few years back on her blog, chronicling her travels across the US with her kids on a train.

  2. commonweeder says:

    You’ll be glad when the last of the editing/proofing is done and I’ll be glad when the book is on the stands. Can’t wait!

  3. commonweeder says:

    I loved the Forest Kindergarten post.

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