

June 23, 2014

I’m having a flash back.  Today feels just like a launch day from back when Susan and I were publishing Leaf Magazine.  We would work all weekend and maybe even days before that and feel tremendously tired and stressed to finally arrive at the moment where it was time to push that final ‘publish’ button.  That moment never came easyily (and I never expect it will) – With each release we put together something that was compelling and interesting and that we poured our hearts into; so releasing it to the world felt huge and it always came with at least a little hesitation.

After months and months of planning and refining an idea, I pushed the ‘publish’ button again today.  But this was a little different than an with an actual magazine.  This is for a crowdfunding campaign (but geez – getting it together was a lot of work!!).

The publication will come later if this is funding is successful. Would you like to see another publicaiton like Leaf? I would – and that is what I promise to deliver with PITH + VIGOR.  The actual first issue will release later this year (September 2014).
I could not be more excited about this project. I have so much to tell you about it, but since I spent the last few weeks making this video (to do just that), I’ll let it (me) do the talking.

In order to get a copy of PITH + VIGOR, you will have to subscribe (This time around it simply can’t be free – it must be sustainable). Right now, the only way to get your subscription is through the indiegogo campaign ($25 gets you a whole year’s worth – 4 issues). Will you subscribe? – or perhaps even consider supporting at a greater level?

For your support, I simply cannot express my gratitude enough. Warmly – Rochelle

Go to the Indiegogo Campaign to Subscribe to PITH + VIGOR

p.s. if you have any thoughts, or questions about PITH + VIGOR – fire away – I am happy to answer!

  1. Doug Green says:

    Rochelle – did I miss the indiegogo link somewhere?

  2. Denny says:

    Do you have a link where I can subscribe?

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