
Working White into the Autumn Garden

September 24, 2015

Earthy white wild autumn container design by Rochelle Greayer

When I conceived of this autumn planter series, I had a couple challenges in my mind.  I wanted to use as few mums as possible (because I am tired of them!), I wanted to explore different materials and I wanted to be inspired by colors that aren’t so stereotypically ‘autumn’ – and I just wanted to be creative.   Earthy wild white autumn container garden birch, moss, lemongrass, and heather (calluna) by rochelle greayer at

This planter, while totally simple, steps the farthest away from ‘typically fall’, but it is perhaps my favorite so far.   Heather carries with it a nostalgia for a trip I made about 15 years ago to Yorkshire, England – a sweeping landscape that I instantly loved.  This container recalls the wild blustery nature of that place.

Earthy white wild autumn container design by Rochelle Greayer

The birch and the while calluna (heather) seem reminsicent of a winter holiday, but the lemongrass brings to mind a delicious martini that I like to make with coconut rum.  It is everything summer and this contradiction is making me smile.

Earthy white wild autumn container design by Rochelle Greayer

I started the lemongrass from seeds early this spring – a spring experiment that will continue as I want to try and over winter these plants inside.   Has anyone tried this?  I am curious to know if I should prune it back, or let it continue as it is.

If you want to try and create a similar container, I suggest substituting the lemon grass for reeds or any other large garden grass.  You don’t need the actual plant as I have, just clippings will last for at least a week or two – maybe more – jam them directly into the soil.

Earthy white wild autumn container design by Rochelle Greayer

What do you think – does white work for the fall garden?  It is un-expected and subdued compared to the fiery colors that dominate the season, but I like it. I feel like it is a nice segue to the quiet of winter.

Plant List:

  • Calluna vulgaris
  • Cymbopogon (Lemongrass)
  • Sheet moss
  • Birch Branches
  • Brown Terracotta from personal collection (but originally purchased at Lowes)

images by rochelle greayer


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  1. Nemasys Info says:

    White compliments various other plants whether they’re in planters or just on display in your garden.

  2. Marissa says:

    I am using white in my autumn garden and was pondering just yesterday on the idea that it may be a little strange. I’m happy to see that someone with such good taste is using it as well.

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