
Before & After: A Welcoming Path for A Mountainside Home

You might remember this post that I wrote last fall, which featured a gorgeous pergola addition to a North Carolina mountainside backyard. Well, last week, I ended up finding my way back to Penny’s blog, The Comforts of Home, and this time, I discovered a really great project that involved adding a welcoming path to the previously missing front entry.

When Penny and her husband went to see this house for the first time, they were a little confused about where the front door was. Once they realized it was nothing more than a careless, weedy dirt path that would take them there, they knew that adding a proper pathway was at the top of their to do list.

The Comforts of Home, side yard, before, after, makeover, path, arch, arbor, curb appeal

After a few truckloads of dirt were hauled in to help raise the slanted side yard, a path made of pavers was installed. Ferns, evergreens, and other perennials were added, and a charming iron archway was put up. The surrounding area was finished with a lovely chunky mulch, and the results were fantastic! I would love to have a side yard like this, but we haul a trailer through our yard on a pretty regular basis, so for now, I will just swoon over Penny’s impressive yard. -erin

Garden Design Tip For Front Walkways

Always make sure that it is clear to visitors which way they should go. No one wants guests showing up at the side door! Usually, this can be done by making sure the front entrance is the most prominent path. Make sure it is the widest path, and has the most substantial surface, and your guests will find it less confusing.

More Makeover posts and Path-making posts to inspire you:

If you have a great Before & After project that you’d like to share with the PITH + VIGOR community, send us an email along with some photos – we would love to feature you!

Images from: The Comforts of Home

  1. Really nice work. using a few truckloads of dirt were hauled in to help raise the slanted side yard, a path made of pavers was installed. Ferns, evergreens, and other perennials were added, and a charming iron archway was put up. The surrounding area was finished with a lovely chunky mulch, and the results are fantastic!

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