This iconic Santa Barbara Garden was designed by Isabelle Greene – a renowned landscape architect who primarily works near SantaBarbara, California. I’m working on getting to know her a little better (more to come here as I research further), but her website gives a sense of her, and I have been reading it like it was a juicy gossip column.

In her own words, Isabelle says:
There are weighty elements to garden design: rough, craggy eternal things like rocks; earthy things like tractors and camaraderie with the workmen; imponderable things like regulatory bodies and boards of directors. And there are also thin gossamer overlays: frost, reflection, shadows, dew. The interplay along these spectrums of the experience creates a garden’s intense richness….To design with all this requires a sense of wholeness – a sense of connections – a serious intent with a lively play. The appearance of the finished garden is the outcome of the wholeness of the process, the pieces interpreted and stitched together properly. It cannot be programmed it must be felt – like a tune.
-Isabelle Greene
I find these words comforting because they help me with what I grapple with most in landscape design: perfectionism. These are the words of a very wise and talented woman – a woman who has learned what is worth fussing over and what is actually better if you let it come together in its own slightly more natural way.

I love the drifts of interesting plants, colors and textures. Is is like a beautiful painting on the ground. What do you love about this garden?

All images by brewbrooks