My 4-year-old fell and split his chin open this morning…we have to wait until 3:00 to get stitches ( I didn’t know that so long as the bleeding has stopped — stitches can wait for up to 24 hours!?! – which is a good thing since the Urgent Care facility and ER are always completely overrun!).
The nurse told us to keep him still and calm, so we sat down in front of the TV, put in Empire Strikes Back, and he promptly fell asleep (now I really know he doesn’t feel good). So I have been sitting here since, occasionally perusing the channels and pay per view, which is what this post is actually all about.
Have you heard of the documentary film- a movie called The Garden?

By all accounts, the movie presents a remarkable story about a 14-acre community garden in south central LA (the largest in the country). It started as a form of healing after the devastating L.A. riots in 1992, but the South Central Farmers have since created a miracle in one of the country’s most blighted neighborhoods. “Growing their own food. Feeding their families. Creating a community. But now, bulldozers are poised to level their 14-acre oasis.”
The Garden follows the plight of the farmers, who are mostly immigrants from Latin America, where they feared for their lives if they were to speak out. But now they organize, fight back, and demand answers: “Why was the land sold to a wealthy developer for millions less than fair-market value? Why was the transaction done in a closed-door session of the LA City Council? Why has it never been made public?”
In an era where gardens are part of the silent movement of the masses and particularly the poor, toward a greener and more sustainable economy, this film tells the story of the country’s largest urban farm, backroom deals, land developers, green politics, money, poverty, power, and racial discord. It was nominated for an academy award and won many other notable accolades, and now, I see, as I sit here waiting for the Dr. ….it is available on pay per view….I think I will be watching it later tonight…
You can purchase it on DVD (Who has a DVD player???) on Amazon – I am not sure where it can be watched online.
Have you seen it? What did you think?
I have not seen it but it sounds interesting. I’m really sorry about your son. That’s no fun. Poor guy!
Thanks for the tip! I just added this to my Netflix queue and I can actually watch it right online. Sorry about your son and hope he is doing ok. Oddly enough I was in the emergencyroom this afternoon with my 12 year old daughter thinking she may have had appendicitis (Sp?) but it turned out to be a bad muscle issue – we think. Ughhh.
appendicitis! ugh!! I had that a couple years ago and basically ignored/ denied it for almost 4 days…it is amazing what you can deal with when you mind over matter things….any way…be careful, I nearly pushed myself too far, if it doesn’t subside, head back to that emergency room!
oh- and my son is going to be fine…he will have a good scar on his chin, but it will reallly never be seen given that it is underneath and not so visible…..he is my accident prone one, this is the second visit to urgent care this week….he choked on/ swallowed a penny a couple days ago….I am just hoping these things don’t come in threes.
I saw The Garden–an astounding tale of growing and greed. It is in its own way heartbreaking. Watch it you’ll be enthralled–particularly in view of your recent trip to SoCal.