
The Flower Drying Shed at Clock Barn Garden in Carlisle, MA

October 15, 2024

Last weekend, the Garden Conservancy held an open garden day in the Boston Area.  There were two gardens on the tour, and after visiting them both, I have so much to share about each of them with you.  The Clock Barn Farm and Garden in Carlisle, MA, was one of the best gardens I have ever seen.  It was a place that made me both completely envious and inspired to create the same feel at my own home.  The best part was this – a flower-drying shed – a real haven for any gentleperson farmer-gardener.

A rustic wooden drying rack, reminiscent of Carlisle MA's charming Clock Barn, showcases colorful dried flowers in shades of purple, red, and white. Above, vintage items and bundled herbs dangle from the ceiling, enhancing the cozy, old-fashioned atmosphere.
The flower drying racks in the drying barn at Clock Barn Garden. They are tilted (presumably to help with drying and moisture release?), and the mesh racks slide in for easy loading.

The Drying barn was my favorite place.  The drying racks (they are built-in and tilted, presumably for better drying) were filled with statice, celosia, baby’s breath, and other dried flowers and seeds.  Standing in this barn, surrounded by all the rustic implements of an excellent and long-standing gardener and the harvested fruits of their labor — it was a vision that really could turn anyone into a farmer.

In Carlisle, MA, a wooden flower drying shed near the Clock Barn brims with bundles of dried flowers and tall reeds. Bouquets of yellow and red hang from the ceiling as sunlight filters through an open window, illuminating the rustic space.
Roses, achillea, and the fairy wand remnants of Allium are collected in the flower drying bin alongside buckets of bamboo stakes in the flower drying shed.
A rustic room reminiscent of a flower drying shed in Carlisle, MA, features wooden walls adorned with framed photos. Dried flowers lovingly hang from beams and fill a basket on the table, creating a cozy, natural atmosphere perfect for unwinding.
When you have a barn full of old garden implements and dried flowers – it is easy to style up a cozy place where most gardener-types would happily spend hours pottering.
A wooden rack with multiple shelves holds various drying flowers in red, white, purple, and green at the Flower Drying Shed in Carlisle MA, organized neatly in a rustic setting.
Construction detail of the flower drying racks. These can easily be copied as a DIY project.

All sorts of garden fertilizers, feed, and seeds were stored in these aluminum garbage pales.  In my own barn, I use recycled cat litter containers that I have painted brown to not be so ugly, but I have to say, while I love my recycled boxes, there is something about the beauty of aluminum against the patina of an old barn that is so charming and pretty, that I already bought two small cans today at my local hardware store.

A wooden drying rack with shelves holds an array of colorful flowers—white, red, purple, and green—in the flower drying shed. The blooms spread out to dry against a wooden wall with an open door beside it, evoking a rustic charm reminiscent of the quaint Clock Barn in Carlisle MA.
This antique seed drying rack was full of bits of flowers and plants waiting for next year.
A rustic flower drying shed in Carlisle, MA, features stacks of potting soil bags and dried herbs and flowers on shelves. A wooden barrel contains various garden tools, while framed botanical prints hang on the wall.
An old butter churn holds antique garden tools in the flower-drying shed.

My barn has a dirt floor, and I had thought I would have a concrete pad poured to clean it up, but now I think that would be simply blasphemous – it really needs a wood floor.  I am not sure how to go about this…adding a floor that is….but I just want nothing more than to re-create the ambiance of this barn at my own home.

Need more barn inspiration? Enjoy one of these posts:

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  1. Sheila H says:

    Rochelle – these pictures are great! Love all those dried flowers hanging from the ceiling and drying on the racks. I would be in heaven visiting a place like that! It made me miss the childhood barn that I grew up. I had a chance to have my own barn but unfortunately we lost to a higher bidder. I’m envious that you have a barn to have fun with! Your barn does deserves wood flooring rather than concrete! Did you ever get your hex sign painted on the barn this summer?

  2. Carol says:

    Rochelle this is a lovely post and brings back memories for me, as I once raised tons of flowers for drying and had them hanging everywhere… only in my house! I used to make wreaths, arrangements and teach classes. I do miss the feeling that your photos so perfectly convey… that of a continuation of a garden… a textured colorful palette… a country atmosphere. I love the wooden barrel with all the old tools. I recently restored my barn and put just barn siding on the floor… allowing it to get worn a bit before oiling it. This may not be the best idea but it was very economical. I use the barn as a studio and do not wear shoes inside. Good luck with your barn! Carol

  3. Rochelle, glad you enjoyed the Open Day at these late season gardens; thanks for the post. I’m really enjoying your blog.

    • rochelle says:

      Stephanie – I am a huge fan of the garden conservancy– and would love to be more involved with the organization. Having lived in England for a while and seen how wonderful the National Trust and other organizations like it can be both for the public and the owners of the cherished properties, I am happy that we here in the US have an organization doing the same valuable work.

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