So I am moving forward with the Can you Make this into a Garden Series…at least for now. I am Calling is CYMTAIG…because I am not that clever and I don’t want to have such long titles….
What do you think of this one?
(image source unknown…if you know whose it is…please email so I can properly credit).
1. Hosta Blue Angel, 2. Blues and Shapes, 3. Echeveria Imbricata 4.Dragon Agro Products – Begonia ‘Marmaduke’ 5. OC Register Colocasia ‘Blue Hawaii’
I love this series. The blue seems like a challenging color to turn into a garden, but I really like what you’ve found. It looks great!
so twenties
so tango
so blue…
Love it! esp the colocasia photo- perfect.
found this little blue lovely..
here is another fashion to inspire a fresh and flirty garden space….found on Metrofashion studio sketch..
oops1 forgot the link..
loiuse…I woudl ove to look at this link (fashion sketches) but the link does’t work…is it correct?
hi rochelle,
url won fit on one line
real sweet orange sorbet flowery number!
hope this works
Look at this one- so 20’s
dreamy creamy