
Spanish Blue Garden Moodboard

So I am moving forward with the Can you Make this into a Garden Series…at least for now. I am Calling is CYMTAIG…because I am not that clever and I don’t want to have such long titles….
What do you think of this one?

blue spanish dress fashion illustration

(image source unknown…if you know whose it is…please email so I can properly credit).

blue spanish garden mosiacblue spanish begonia maramaduke colocasia blue hawaii

1. Hosta Blue Angel, 2. Blues and Shapes, 3. Echeveria Imbricata 4.Dragon Agro Products – Begonia ‘Marmaduke’ 5. OC Register Colocasia ‘Blue Hawaii’

  1. Courtney says:

    I love this series. The blue seems like a challenging color to turn into a garden, but I really like what you’ve found. It looks great!

  2. louise garwood says:

    so twenties
    so tango
    so blue…

    Love it! esp the colocasia photo- perfect.

  3. louise garwood says:

    found this little blue lovely..

  4. louise garwood says:

    here is another fashion to inspire a fresh and flirty garden space….found on Metrofashion studio sketch..

  5. louise garwood says:

    oops1 forgot the link..

  6. louise garwood says:

    hi rochelle,
    url won fit on one line
    real sweet orange sorbet flowery number!
    hope this works

  7. louise garwood says:
    Look at this one- so 20’s
    dreamy creamy

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