
Gerard Faivre Provencal Homes & Gardens

April 1, 2009

My “some day when my ship comes in” life (or at least when our savings gets back to somewhere near where it was this time last year) includes a house in the south of France or the south of Italy.   I yearn for a place where olive trees and lemons can grow in my garden but I don’t want to move to LA.   Cost not considered I would want a home that was created by Gerard Faivre.   He and his wife take flipping properties to a whole new level.   From their website

As a treasure hunter, he unearths the most beautiful marvels in Les Alpilles, houses in the most precious of stone, buys them and renovates them down to the smallest detail. Structural work, interior decoration, landscaped gardens, everything is reinvented to be sublime. Every purchase is the response to an intense and specific emotion that Gérard Faivre is keen to bring back to life and pass on….

Here are some of the gardens in his amazing projects.

I can’t get enough!….here are some more…
garard faivre french country gardens provence france

  1. louise garwood says:

    R., Santa Cruz area is Nice!-or Baja…..
    I love the plexiglass (or whatever) colored panels- a LA prof of mine used them in a private garden to some acclaim
    also check out Durfee Gardens at UMASS plexiglass!!
    Love the posts!

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