
A New Way to Commute? Seward Street Slides, San Francisco

September 27, 2009

seward stret slides san franciso castro

image by metalkpirate1day

Have you been to the Seward Street Slides in the Castro District of San Francisco?  I haven’t but the pictures inspire me.  When I think of San Francisco, I think of hills, and my own visit where I exhausted myself walking up and down and up and down again.  But I loved it.  The Seward Street Slides are meant to be purely for kids fun, but seeing the images has me thinking. Why can’t these replace sidewalks in hilly places like San Franciso.  I am imaging a network of short cut slides that can quickly whisk you from one block to the next.  Perhaps with beautiful landscaping all around to enjoy as you breeze by.

seward street slides castro san francisco

by shay coh

seward street slides castro san francisco

image by freakinrad!

Of course there is the issue of getting back up to the top, but at least the one way system could relieve downhill traffic and encourage walkers.  If you were a commuter in a hilly city, would you ride a slide to get to work? 

  1. Sprout says:

    Like a life size game of Chutes and Ladders?!

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