Sarah Price is on a rocket ship ride to garden designer stardom. She is young (31) and she is rocking the garden world. Her 2012 show garden at Chelsea (sponsored by the Daily Telegraph) earned her a Gold medal (her first) but she is also one of the co-designers of the gardens that will grace the Olympic park later this summer. The Olympics gardens will be the biggest new urban park in London since the 19th century.
Would you like to meet her? You can check out a video here.
Her Chelsea garden was (IMO) clearly the most feminine garden in the field. I have thought that about her designs before as she does a beautiful job of creating romantic meadows. When you see a show garden, nearly every one of them has a wow factor but when you stop and think about if you would want that at your own home, many fall down. But Sarah’s gardens always seem so livable to me and they are places in which I want to sit and relax. This garden features not only a pretty meadow, but at the back there is an area that feels like the best of a walk through a birch tree woods.
Designed by Sarah Price
Plants : Crocus
Sponsor: The Daily Telegraph