
Pretty Old Planting Plan

September 9, 2013

I have so many links and interesting things that I have discovered while researching and writing my book that I can’t wait to share.  My biggest fear is that I will never remember them all — in fact I have already forgotten so many.   I really don’t want to forget this one,  so this is just a quick post before I head back to book finishing land.

planting plan from the botany collection at the university of amsterdam via www.pithandvigor.comWhat do you think this might be a picture of?  It is part of the botany collection a the university of Amsterdam.  It is titled ‘Schemavoorbepalingbedekkingsgraad” which translates to ‘Schedule for Determining Coverage’.  I deduce it to be a planting plan.

I adore this kind of thing. I want to print it out and hang it on my wall.  I think it is charming and interesting as a work of art, but knowing that it is a planting plan as well really makes me smile.  I wonder what plants this represents?  And are the choices in color and symbol shape related to the plants or completely abstract?  I think the questions make it even more interesting.

I used to take great pride in my planting plans ( I haven’t done one in a while). They were full color affairs with beautiful photographic images representing all the chosen plants so that the clients could get a great sense of what they were getting.  The printing costs were ridiculous. These days, I think I would want to make something more like this.  Sure, it’s not as descriptive, but I find it much more satisfying…so maybe not for clients…but just for me.

image from the botany collection at the University of Amsterdam

You can download a copy for yourself at the The memory of the Netherlands


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  1. Rodney Eason says:

    Love it! I have several planting plans on the boards this winter and this would be fun. You could do something like this with the Paper app for iPad while on the go.

  2. Margie Krause says:

    Looks like a great wall quilt idea. I love it tpo

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