
Wanted: Antique Forcing Pots

March 4, 2014

I came across this image this morning over on Old House Gardens’ page about forcing bulbs.   I’ve never seen such wonderful forcing pots and I would love to find something as charming as that hedgehog crocus pot for some late winter fun (but I’d be thrilled to have any of them!).

Old House bulbs forcing pots via

A quick eBay search turned up absolutely nothing.  Has anyone ever seen something like this?  Know a source? Or perhaps you know someone who is making modern day versions?  Do share – I would be so grateful.

image from Old House Gardens — originally sourced from Peter Henderson Catalog NYC, 1900. 

  1. I have an artist attending our Delphinium Festival/Art in the Gardens (July 5 & 6) that makes ceramic vases with leaf cutouts that would work for this purpose.

  2. Jen says:

    Those are marvellous, especially the beehive one! Hm. I wonder if some are lurking in antique shops, mislabelled as hors d’ouvre servers…

  3. Lindsay says:

    I saw these neat ceramic candleholders at Target on another blog. They might work, though they’re sadly not shaped like hedgehogs!

  4. rochelle says:

    Lindsey – those might be perfect for the lily of the valley style planter! Thanks for sending.

  5. Lori says:

    I have a sweet bulb pot in my Etsy Shop: . Check it out!

  6. Crabapple says:

    I can not make these pots for you.
    But if I was you I would have a artist make theses for me.
    You would get said artist a whole new(old?)line of art work & she could give/said you the pots.
    I would buy them on line myself, so hurry before someone else offer them.

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