
Weekend Things

April 6, 2014

cherry blossom

I hope you’ve had a great weekend.  Mine was nice, even if it was completely taken over by an elementary school production of Mulan.  We’ve had 4 shows since Friday night and I am just tired.  I’ve done a lot of makeup, handed out programs, stack and un-stacked chairs, and pushed around a ton of large school furniture.  I think I only have the mental capacity to park myself on the sofa in front of an episode of Parks and Rec and wait for my the roast chicken (in the oven) to be ready for dinner.  Ahh…. and it is spring, I’ve got the fever and I am ready to get things done.  These are things that have been hanging around on my desk this week.  I hope you enjoy them!



 image by Chris Waits (CC 2.0)



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