
Daily Garden: Blowsy Annual Flowers Blossom in the Burbs

January 29, 2024

The spirit of this gardener and his clear adoration for bright blowsy annual flowers and blossoms simply makes me smile.  I love a gardener who knows what he loves and sets about creating it.

Is it fashionable? No.

Is it Native? No.

Is it color coordinated? No.

Does it remind me of the joy and awe of driving by that one house that has 1000x more holiday lights than everyone else? Yes.

A house with a lot of flowers in front of it.
A colorful display of potted flowers and blowsy blossoms that seems from another era decorates the front of this suburban home.
A house with flowers in front of it.
The biggest blooms appear to be coming from a mix of begonias, marigolds, and dahlias. The hanging baskets dangling from the second-floor eaves appear to be filled with trailing petunias (for baskets) and impatiens.

I found this over at Your Garden Show; I was there uploading pictures of my own garden and spending some time playing around with my own profile.  I simply cannot compete with this.   He clearly works very hard to maintain such a fantastic show.

A man standing next to a bush of flowers.
The garden in Tacoma, Washington, is maintained by this Vietnamese man.

This is precisely the type of deeply personal garden I love to see and share here.  Do you have pictures of an inspirational, unique garden?

If you would like to share it on PITH + VIGOR get in touch and tell me about it.

A house with many flowers.
A Buddhist shrine is part of the colorful display.

I love the word blowsy – and it is the first word I think of for this display.

But blowsy might not be quite right –

Blowsy definition: lush, overblown flowers that are a bit past their peak bloom (I don’t think these annual flowers are past their prime).

Maybe kitschy is a better word?

A street with many potted flowers in front of a house.
Petunias, geraniums, begonias, dahlias, and other colorful annuals and potted plants create an exuberant garden display in front of the contemporary suburban home.

More inspiring garden posts:

  1. Les says:

    Not my cup of tea, but I raise a glass to his dedication and enthusiasm.

  2. I love it! It is so colorful and just seems to spill out in every direction.

  3. Laurie Brown says:

    Like Les, it’s not my cup of tea, but it’s amazing and inspiring. I love how he’s even put potted plants on the cement curbing to extend his blooming area. I wonder if he does it all or has some help? It looks like watering alone would take a lot of time.

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