The Heat!! The Heat!! — I melt just walking to the veg patch. I don’t yet have an outdoor shower, so the hose is my only welcome respite (and I’ll take it with a smile! Whew, it’s hot!)
I can’t get my work boots on because I (stupidly) walked barefoot across my asphalt driveway and burnt the bottoms so badly that I even have a blister. Two days later, after many Epsom salt baths, they still ache.

I’ve been thinking about a better way to manage all the sorts of dirty but reusable beach towels that end up draped across our cars so they can dry out. Perhaps a garden feature of sorts? But the heat also has me thinking that an outdoor shower would be lovely. It is a place where the kids can shower off the dirt or beach sand. Where I can wash my dirty gardening self before going inside, and on a hot day, we can all cool down.

Snake mosaic tiles create the floor of a shower surrounded by a privacy hedge.
African Hideaway Image by Lisa & Paul Dempsey
Outdoor Shower
Stepping stones over the water lead to a double outdoor shower at Maya resort – Image by Isabel

I’ve collected over thirty (31 to be precise) images of beautiful outdoor showers for our inspiration. Each has some great ideas to borrow and re-create in your own garden.

I wish mine were already in place. I think I will need it this weekend.I am finishing my cobblestone patio and starting to paint the house…and the heat is still on. Are you working in the garden this weekend? What are you creating?

Little Kulala Outdoor Shower
Seen at the Little Kulala lodge near Sossusvlei. image by Ryan G
The Bottle Bath
Broken tile combines with a stone wall and other glass elements (glass block and pretty blue Bottles) to make a colorful outdoor shower. The shelf and the bench are helpful additions. image by Kathy & Gene Walz.

A tub and an outdoor shower
Clean and inviting this setting encourages a more leisurely soak over a quick wash. image by megvandorn
Indoor Outdoor Bathroom
The shower is more like a waterfall (so refreshing!) But this might be a more visually effective design if there was more cohesion in materials choices. image by Suwatchai Praesomboon

can be found at

A full rinse over Brick.
This simple and elegant shower pole tucked between boxwood in a formal garden is clever – I’d hardly realize it was a shower until the water is turned on. image by megvandorn
A Rustic Metal and Wood Bathing Area.
Tucked into an outside corner of the building this shower is screened by the adjacent tree and made cozy by plants and vine on a trellis.

Shingles and pillars Shower.
A classic shed design houses a shower under the overhang of the building. image by BPC Architecture
Indoor outdoor bath design
Byron Bay Villa – image by Villa Getaways – has many luxurious details.

River stone base shower.
Contain a natural river stone cobbled floor with a raised bed, and then tuck the whole thing behind a tree and along a finished fence. image by Christy Newman
Corrugated Metal Shower
A corrugated metal option is a lightweight and waterproof finish for any wall. mpembertondesign

Created by Catherine @this_old_house52 in Brisbane, Australia. via.
📸 by @casa_morgan.
Serene Modern bath in the garden.

Nearby to Boston and available for New England Gardners – look at capecodshowerkits for all the pieces to begin making your own more customized al fresco shower.
awesome roundup, and perfect timing for what i’m working on. thanks!
Nice collection of showers. There’s something quite wonderful about an outdoor shower. I have a shower under a trellis covered with Wisteria floribunda. It’s rather messy, but so nice when the wisteria is blooming, you feel like you are showering with flower petals.
love outdoor showers…..summer is really here!
These would go brilliantly with a natural pool. If anyone offers this type of product I’d love to offer it on our site