Something is alive in the mailbox.
A few months back the door of the mailbox rusted to the point that it just fell off. But the rest of the box was fine and I see plenty of boxes around that don’t have doors at all – so I opted to not add this to my lengthy list of things to worry about.
After some windy weather a few days back, I noticed a few leaves way in the back. I figured that they blew in. And since I generally drive up to my mailbox and my arm isn’t long enough to both reach out of the car and all the way to the back, I left them.
Then, another day went by, and the pile in the back got bigger. But it was night when I pulled up and I couldn’t see clearly the dark recesses of the mailbox, but it nonetheless seemed odd.
Finally, two days ago, I got really suspicious – there was a genuine and significant pile of unexplainable stuff in the back of the box. Way too much to have randomly blown in.

I mentioned to the kids that it seemed like there was a nest (or something) in the box… but we all laughed it off as nothing. A nest in the mailbox? Ridiculous. Who (or what) moves into a mailbox?
Last night, I met the new mailbox-dwelling neighbor. And it didn’t go well.
Perhaps if I’d brought a casserole… instead, my hand just barged right into their new home in the midst of them setting up the house and arranging the furniture.
When I reached in to get the mail, I immediately noticed that one envelope (junk mail) was shredded to pieces!
Alarmed, but slow to react, I reached back in, to gather the rest…and something jumped from the back towards my hand. I jumped too – back into the road with a squeal. Thankfully, I wasn’t hit by a passing car.
But again, I returned (I can’t tell you why I was so persistent – I was expecting nothing important, and In hindsight, I was being awfully daft and persistent), and it jumped at me again.
This time there was a passing car. On my country road, I am sure I was an odd sight, jumping away from the mailbox, tentatively peering in, reaching in, and jumping again. I probably looked like a kitten playing with a piece of dust.
I waved at the car and tried to act like an authoritative policeperson directing traffic.
I can’t tell you what it is — it seemed the size of a giant mouse. As in 2-3 times the size of normal mouse. It also seemed sort of extra round. But it was getting dark, and I didn’t get a good look. I wonder if it is a pregnant mouse? Or something else… but what?
So we have a job to do today (the kids and I) – relocating this new neighbor. Issac has a plan that involves the firewood log tongs. Meredith concurs. I don’t think it will work. I am pondering detaching the box entirely so that it can be tipped and dumped. It needs to be replaced anyway – my original theory about not really needing a door is obviously wrong.
I’m headed out now to document the developments and take some reconnaissance pictures so that we can strategize.
I’m back, I got some pictures (I added one above), and my heart is pounding.
It is a mouse, and we just had an altercation, which I don’t think either of us is happy about.

For my part, I approached with caution – taking pictures as I closed in and using a zoom lens for protection.
Ejecting the Mailbox Mouse and Dismantling the Nest
In the full light of morning, there is unquestionably a large pile of stuff in the back of the mailbox. I decided to kick the bottom of the box. My logic, I have long legs…which gives me distance.
I did it again.
Closer, I use my fingers to thump loudly on the metal box.
Is anyone home?
Maybe it is off doing some morning hunting?
So, I snapped a few more pictures.
Of course it is morning rush hour on my road (which involves at least six cars and which I am sure I know every single person in each of them) is in full swing. It is a curious scene, and I know look like a deranged idiot. Someone who drove by will surely ask me about it in the coming days when I see them at the local General Store.
Before I departed with my reconnaissance shots, I reached out to give the box a quick shake, just one more time.
And like a rocket a mouse shot out of the box!
Swear words fly, followed by a scream. I think it was all coming from my mouth.
Thank God I was standing to the side, and it didn’t fly into me! As it was, the creature flew nearly 2 yards, turned, and ran off the side of the road.
I’m lamenting my novice skills in wildlife photography. I should have known. I should have seen it coming. If only I’d had an assistant or a videographer – I could have guessed the outcome. I could have been poised to capture the mouse in flight and children’s screaming, startled, maybe even beautifully tortured faces in the background. THAT is the dream shot.
But no, I was too busy also jumping and squealing to even get a shot of the creature before it darted away.
I wonder if it will come back. And maybe, if I keep quiet about what just transpired, I can gather my assistants later today and try for a second chance…
The joys of motherhood.
A mouse? That’s it? I thought it must be a packrat, at least! Just be glad it wasn’t a skunk! Guess you’re moving the mail box door to the top of the list now…