I found this sloped backyard garden makeover (and repair) on a blog called Do or DIY (cute name!) a couple of days ago, and when I revisited it to see if she had published any other before & after articles, I was a bit let down to realize that the blog only survived over the course of a few short posts.

*Sigh*….oh well.
Anyway, I was excited to see this project because I haven’t focused on too many slope makeovers, so I thought it would be a good one to include. I was drawn to this particular project because I have a few areas like this in my own yard, and I’m always at a loss as to whether I should keep the more rustic look with the old stacked limestone or if I should clean it up a bit like this girl chose to do in her own yard.

She added a few timbers that make the space feel clean and orderly, and the vibrant green grass she repaired goes a long way, too. In the original post, she mentions that she built the shed on her own as well, and I think it’s a great size for garden tools (and I also wish that I could get away with building such a small one myself because it seems so much more attainable than the size I actually need!) Anyway, I really like the end result- what do you guys think? I’d say it turned out to be quite a transformation if you ask me. I’m hoping to find more slope projects in the future, along with a few other things. What kind of projects do you guys want to see? Ponds, sheds, patios, backyard escapes- if there’s something you want to see in particular, just let me know!
If you have a landscape makeover that you’d like to share with the PITH + VIGOR readers, send us some photos and tell us about it!
Images from: Do or DIY
This is really lovely—and actually fairly close to what we planned to do with our own sloped backyard before moving here to Ohio! I do think the stone would work just as well as the wood to create the steps, but it’s all about personal taste, too. She did a wonderful job; too bad she stopped blogging!