
Roberta’s Fresh Pea Soup with a Hint of Mint

Wrapping up Hope In bloom week, Roberta shared one of her favorite garden recipes.  (Did I mention she is also a chef?)
Have you planted your first crop of peas?  Me Neither….still working on the mess from the ice storm….this weekend for sure…
Roberta says. ” One of my favorite ways to sample the first crop of peas is to whip up this very simple grassy green soup. Enjoy it hot or cold while surveying your own yard.

Fresh Pea Soup with a Hint of Mint

8 cups vegetable stock
1 large potato, peeled and cut in chunks
10 scallions, white and green parts, finely chopped
4 cups shelled fresh peas* (about 4 pounds)
2 tablespoons fresh mint, finely minced
Salt and freshly ground white pepper
½-1 cup half and half or milk
Sour cream or yogurt, minced chives and chopped mint for garnish

In a large stockpot set over medium heat mix the stock, potato and scallions.
When the mixture comes to a simmer, cover and let cook until the potato is soft when pierced with a fork, about 15 minutes. Add the peas, replace the cover and cook until peas are tender, about 5 minutes. Toss in the chopped mint and remove the pan from the heat.
In batches purée the mixture in a blender. This soup is very hot. Keep the lid on the blender container and be careful not to overfill it to avoid being burned. Do not be tempted to skip this next step. Pea skins do not dissolve! Press the solids through a fine mesh strainer. Stir in the half and half or milk. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Reheat gently, pour into warmed mugs and garnish. Or chill until ice cold. Adjust the seasonings; pour into chilled mugs and garnish.
Serves 6-8
*A name brand of frozen peas, but only petit pois, will do in a pinch, but the soup will be thin. Please promise me you’ll try it with fresh ones too.

Nature Adrift's pea soup and wild mint

I found this lovely image in Martin’s Nature Adrift photostream on Flickr.  He has many more and I am thinking of adding a feature (at least during the growing season in the Northern Hemisphere) to showcase more of his great recipe photos of eating straight from nature (or the garden).  What do you think…a few recipes here and there?

  1. louise garwood says:

    YUM- I am definitely making this for supper! cant wait for the mint (or peas) to come in though
    Love the photo
    and yes recipes are always a great idea esp. tie in with the emphasis on edible gardens…
    farmers markets coming up soon and the new Boston Public Market.

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