
Before & After: Ingrid’s Mosaic Garden Fish and Shell Pots

A woman holding up a wire sculpture.
Ingrid with the metal frame for the concrete fish sculpture that will form the base of the mosaic.

Have You ever noticed that sometimes a series of pictures can make something really hard look so simple that you feel like it is entirely doable?  That is how I feel about Ingrid Häußler’s mosaic fish.  She shares the steps she took to make it (more than just the four images here) on her website, and somehow, it makes mosaics suddenly seem so satisfyingly accomplishable.  (when I am quite sure they are, in fact, aggravatingly hard)

The Making of the Mosaic Fish Art Garden Sculpture

A person is working on a wire sculpture and concrete base form for a fish sculpture.
The fish frame is covered with chicken wire and concrete for the case sculpture that the mosaic is attached to.
A woman working on a fish sculpture.
Ingrid draws out the scales and details of the fish mosaic on the concrete art form.
A woman working on a mosaic fish sculpture.
Attaching the mosaic tiles to create the scales of the fish art sculpture.
A mosaic fish sculpture on a wooden stand.
Is it finished? I think I might prefer it unfinished. Mosaic Fish Sculpture by Ingrid Häußler 

Have you tried a mosaic project for your garden?  I have not, and I am not sure I should.  When faced with something that requires concentrated craftsmanship to achieve perfection, I tend to melt down in frustration over my lack of unpracticed skill. I’m not particularly patient with myself.

But I love the results of those who can make such a work of art come to life.  I can’t tell if Ingrid’s work is done or not — even though I suspect this may still be a work in progress, I kind of like the fish not completely colored in.  Do you agree?

Shell Pots with Mosaic Techniques

While the stunning cut glass fish art might be beyond my beginner skills in mosaic making, I also noticed Ingrid’s series of pebble and shell mosiac for planter pots. These, seem much more acheiveable and I think a perfect things to do with all those bags of seashore treasures that the kids and I have collected over the years.

A planter made out of shells and seashells.
Shell pots for plants created with collections of sea shore treasures.
A planter made of sea shells on a wooden table.
Shell mosaic pot by Ingrid Häußler 
A pot made out of rocks with a plant in it.
Pebble mosaic garden pots. This could easily be done with leftovers from a landscape project and would offer a chance to repeat materials around the garden. Repetition in any design always makes the design feel more cohesive, thoughtful, and put together.

Here is more about Ingrid — if you are a German speaker…it appears she offers classes that might be worth checking into.

  1. Judit @WineDineDaily says:

    What a lovely idea!!! Thank you Rochelle, have to check out Ingrid’s instructions.

  2. Shyra says:

    Wow! I really love the mosaic. So cool! I can imagine this in my garden. Love it!

    Shyra @ Cheap Sheds NZ Limited

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