
From Chaos to Calm, a Backyard Transformation in Ottawa, Canada

So I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there at one point or another – summer evenings fill up, mosquitoes keep us indoors on even the most beautiful evenings, and thunderstorms show up on all your days off.  A few small weeds quickly morph into a miniature jungle, and so you’re left with something that looks like this photo above.

before, after, mulch, weed, old trees, bench, relaxing
Chaos in the backyard. But there are great trees and plenty of usable space – this backyard transformation makes a bog impact.

Backyard transformation complete!
Chaos in the backyard. But there are great trees and plenty of usable space – this backyard transformation makes a big impact.

But when the sun finally shines and the mosquitoes die off, there’s a glimmer of hope for the much-neglected corner in the backyard. I’m not sure if that’s quite how the story goes for this particular before & after, but I’m sure it’s somewhat similar.

Backyard transformation complete!

I’m a huge fan of high-impact, low-budget makeovers. After all, that whole budget thing is what keeps me from finishing most of the projects I start, so I was pretty happy to see this before & after over at Yards Unlimited in Ottawa, Canada, this morning.

After clearing the weeds and edging the lawn, a thick layer of mulch was added, along with a small patio made from pavers. I’m really loving how simple this one is, I feel like it’s something we could all handle over the course of a few days off.

A view to the back of the house and staircase before.
And after – A brick-lined gravel patio has plenty of space for seating, bocce, a collected container garden – or just about anything you might need.

One day is for weeding and edging, one day is for purchasing and hauling the mulch and pavers, and another one is for spreading the mulch and laying the pavers.

A little manual labor will soon give you a retreat as serene as this. And on that note, I think I’m off to Craigslist to look for pavers and a new bench. Maybe one day my own before & after projects will make it on here, if I ever get to the after. -erin 

If you have a great makeover project you’d like to share with the PITH + VIGOR readers, send us some photos and tell us about it!

Images from: Yards Unlimited

More Garden Ideas and Backyard Landscape Transformation:

  1. Eva says:

    Dear Rochelle
    I am not sure you think this is a before and after for you. But you are welcome to use the photos if you like. This is a makeover from my own garden.

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