
Before & After: April’s Bean And Veggie Garden Tunnel

This cattle panel bean tunnel is a versatile and cost-effective structure for vegetable vines. It consists of sturdy wire panels bent into an arched shape to create a tunnel-like structure. This tunnel is ideal for protecting and supporting plants, providing shade, or corralling animals.

I found this really sweet bean tunnel over the winter and I’ve been dying to make one of my own ever since! April from Wahsega Valley Farm has an incredible backyard vegetable garden, and as soon as I saw this bare garden structure, I knew it would be even cooler once the vines started to grow.

bean tunnel, veggie garden
Garden structures for vines are essential for supporting the growth of climbing plants like roses, clematis, and grapes. April is using hers for beans, but it could also be used for tomatoes, squash, and other vegetables. A hog panel (used here) over a rebar structure is sturdy, and the materials for this veggie tunnel are easily accessible at a hardware or farm supply store.

The tunnel adds a fantastic dimension and has pretty much grown to become its own little world! Having the beans grow up and around the structure allows her to pick from beneath the vines and offers a great little shady escape. Something like this would be fun to do with other vine plants….just think how cool it would look with a few different clematis varieties! Are any of you thinking about building one of these in the coming months? Be sure to send us pictures if you do! –erin

If you have a great before & after project you’d like to share with the PITH + VIGOR community, send us some pictures!

Images from: April of Wahsega Valley Farm

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  1. Katherine Tish says:

    This would be great for the backyard. Shade, fun, and food for the kids. Thanks for sharing.

  2. allison says:

    What verity of bean is this?

  3. Oh man that is so awesome! Now I want one 🙂

  4. Tami says:

    How do you make the bean tunnel?

  5. Mary says:

    What was used for the netting or trellis part? I can’t tell if you just used string or what. Thanks,

    • rochelle says:

      I believe it is hog fence (this goes by many local names but it is heavy gauge fencing with squares that arae roughtly 6 inches) – so no string or netting – it is part of the fence.

  6. kathy says:

    It looks like concrete reinforcing wire/mesh. It used to be heavier gauge in the good old days and we made tomato cages out of it.

  7. Karin says:

    Lovely,.. but what’s the point of sharing if you don’t give instructions on how to build one??

  8. Becky says:

    would be nice if there were some information on building this tunnel. It doesnt look too complicated but the material list would be a nice advantage

  9. Dwight says:

    It looks like rebar side supports with electrical conduit up top. Cattle panel is wrapped around and tied off with wire ties….at least this is how I would do it. Hope that helps

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