
Before & After: A Plant-Filled Backyard Hummingbird Haven

You can see the beginnings of the new garden rooms that will be created in this small backyard.

Last week I received an email from Dana who writes a blog called Catnip and Mint. She sent a few photos along with a short write-up about her new hummingbird haven, and I thought you guys would enjoy it. The most remarkable part of it all is that she’s only been working on it for a year! Check it out…

backyard, makeover, before & after
Hav you ever noticed how more is more? This isn’t a big space, but by filling it with plants that not only attract hummingbirds but also break up the sight lines, suddenly, the whole garden feels a lot bigger. It is counter intuitive – but if you want a small space to feel larger – fill it up and ensure you can see the whole thing in one view.

Yeah, it’s a YEAR. That’s it. Gorgeous, right? I could tell you all about this space, but I think she put it best:

The backyard consists mainly of salvias and lavenders, with a few citrus trees and a lovely mesquite. The garden is visited heavily by hummingbirds, and is buzzing with bees, butterflies, and lizards. I have escorted a large and destructive grasshopper off the property numerous times– but recently had the sense to place numerous water bowls/bird baths in each of the garden beds to attract more birds to linger…and eat grasshoppers.

Dana of Catnip and Mint

I love the picture she painted; the hummingbirds and butterflies that frequent the yard sound lovely! I can’t wait until they start coming back to my own garden (which, I have to say, is a far cry from being anything close to this great.) Anyway, thank you, Dana, for sharing your yard with us! I’m sure everyone here will love it as much as I do. –erin

If you have a landscape makeover that you’d like to share, feel free to send us an email along with a few photos!

Images by: Dana of Catnip and Mint

More Beautiful Backyards and Hummingbird Havens:

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