
UMass Amherst’s Permaculture Dining Garden

March 9, 2011

Last year when I decided to expanded my veg garden, (with the prodding of a good friend who is a UMass permaculture graduate) I used the ‘lasagna’ method. With a flew glitches (wild raspberry and poke will find their way through a mountain of compost and cardboard) it was wildly successful. I am a complete convert and I am happy to spread the permaculture gospel.
So when a message from Ryan Harb came across my desk asking for my help in a community supported marketing project of a short permaculture documentary I am of course more than happy to oblige.  He is trying to reach a goal for the Youtube video to achieve over 10,000 views by April 1!

It’s only a few minutes, but is well worth a watch.  I was viewer # 1589. What viewer # were you?  Maybe studio ‘g’ readers can put them over the top?  Thanks!

  1. Thanks for sharing this Rochelle! I met Ryan in December at a Sustainable Design Charrette at Wesleyan University. I’m glad to see sustainable practices gaining momentum and appearing at our nation’s universities. Looking forward to following this project!

    P.S. I was viewer #1884!

  2. louise says:

    I started my no till garden with these principles last season as well, It is next to 8 double dug beds which are 10 yrs old.- our soil is sandy gravel so building topsoil is crucial to hosting heavy feeding annual vegetable crops. There is alot of help on the western mass permaculture group P.I.N.E.- meetings and workshops, workdays, etc. great community of folks in the NE area.

    guess Im chasing Scott- I was viewer #1885.

  3. kristy says:

    Thanks for the heads up about this film, I was viewer #3505.

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